
Invitation to Apply, Superintendent of Schools

North Adams Public Schools seeks applications from exceptional school leaders for the open position of Superintendent. 

The Superintendent will be responsible for leading and managing the district, ensuring compliance with all state regulations and policies while working closely with the School Committee and various community stakeholders to formulate and improve educational strategies. The successful candidate will be responsible for overseeing all professional and non-professional staff and ensuring the district’s financial and operational efficiency. Additional information about the district, North Adams community, job expectations and role responsibilities are outlined in the invitation to apply.

The Superintendent Search Screening Committee, chaired by Mayor Jennifer A. Macksey, will lead the review of applications, interviews, and other activities associated with this selection process. 

Interested candidates can apply for the position by following the procedure outlined below:

  • Applications are available at the district office or via the SchoolSpring posting where applicants can upload their application materials.

  • Applications must include a completed application, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a resume. Completed application information is due on or before February 7, 2025. 

  • Applications will be reviewed by the Superintendent Search Screening Committee by February 12, 2025 with initial interviews scheduled for the end of February for the selection of finalists. 

  • Site visits and community forums will be completed in March 2025. Finalist interview for the new superintendent is scheduled for April 1, 2025.

Questions about the position or the search process can be directed to Lindsay Randall, Executive Assistant to Mayor Jennifer A. Macksey at 413-662-3000 ext 3216 or at lrandall@northadams-ma.gov.

Invitation to apply

Invitation to apply

About Us

Why Work at NAPS

North Adams Schools

We call Berkshire County home.

North Adams, Massachusetts' smallest city, is a vibrant city located in the Northwest corner of the beautiful Berkshire mountains. Berkshire County is a 927-square-mile region in Western Massachusetts. Only three hours from Boston or New York City, the county is known for its rolling hills world-class arts and culture organizations, and strong rural community.

Our District's location makes access to entertainment and other activities convenient for our staff and residents. See what North Adams has to offer by clicking the link below.

Park outline

hands holding

Commitment to Equity

North Adams Public Schools are committed to ensuring a safe, equitable, and just school environment for all of our students through:

  • School- and district-level Diversity, Equity,

    Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) Teams

  • Comprehensive anti-bias/anti-racist curriculum review

  • DEIJ-focused professional development for all staff School-based equity action plans based on student, family, and community feedback

  • World of Difference™ training opportunities for Drury High School students, designed by the Anti-Defamation League

What We Look For in an Educator

  • You know that every student can achieve success, regardless of race, gender, identity, ability, sexuality, economic status, and/or other circumstances, and want to ensure they are supported throughout the process

  • You have a commitment to implementing anti-racist, culturally-responsive, and restorative mindsets and practices in your curriculum and classroom

  • Your teaching combines academic challenge and deep engagement because you know that students’ best learning happens through these types of experiences

  • You believe social-emotional learning is equally as important for your students as academic success

  • Individual growth is one of your core values, and you are motivated to advance yours through professional development, feedback, observation, and reflection

  • Your ideal school culture is one where all community members embody accountability, responsibility, flexibility, humor, effort, respect, and optimism

  • You can balance the need to hold students to high expectations while cultivating a caring and supportive learning environment for them to meet those expectations

Grant Awards

Federal, state, and private grant funding supplement our annual budget allowing us to:

  • offer afterschool and summer programming

  • upgrade teaching and learning technology

  • implement community safety initiatives

  • maintain physical infrastructure

  • provide professional development in arts integration, science, math, and more!

professional development in arts integration and arts education early college programs and safe routes to school

Hear made of a handshake

We're a team!

In a recent staff survey, leadership trust and values alignment, ownership and input, and personal safety and belonging were the top three reasons staff enjoy working in North Adams Public Schools!

Academic Tech

The North Adams Advantage

Faculty and staff are provided with the technology tools and access they need to support student learning including educational software and online texts.

  • A laptop for every faculty member and student

  • A Smartboard in every classroom

  • A 3D printer for every school

  • 560+ IPads

The district ensures that all schools and classrooms are fully equipped with up-to-date supplies and curriculum materials.

Educators also have the benefit of knowing they have a team of support behind them from the front office right into the classroom. In every building we have:

  • Main Office Staff

  • Nursing Staff

  • School Adjustment Counselors

  • Technology Support Staff

  • Instructional Support Staff, Interventionists, Educational Assistants, and Behavioral Support

  • Instructional Coaching for New Teachers

Our Benefits



  • Flexible Spending Account (Health Care & Dependent Care Savings​​​​​​​)

  • Employer Contributions to

    Health and Life Insurance

  • Fitness Reimbursement and Weight Loss Reimbursement Plans

Employee Assistance Programs

  • Access to Free Legal, Financial, and Mental Health Counseling Services, as well as Life Coaching, and Medical Advocacy

  • Identity Theft Assistance

  • Medical Care Cost Comparison Assistance

Continuing Education & Professional Development

  • Continuing Education Reimbursement Program

  • Pay Schedule Increases for Advanced Degrees

  • In-Service Learning Sessions During School Year

  • Grad Credit & CEU (Continuing Education Unit) Opportunities

  • Free & Paid Summer Learning Opportunities


Culture Matters

Slider is playing
Staff tabling

What Staff Are Saying About NAPS

I came to Drury as a Student Teacher in 2005 and knew that I found a school district that I wanted to be a part of in the long term because of its commitment to the students and to the community. I have been at Drury High School since 2005 and I still feel that way. This district strives to help all students succeed and is constantly changing to ensure that. Drury is transforming education in our community with its commitment to community service learning, our recent Early College designation, and shift to integrating new course offerings. Great things are on the horizon and we would love to have new teachers join our efforts.

Krista Gmeiner  

   Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Drury High School

North Adams Public Schools provides an atmosphere where everyone is respected and welcomed. Family is first with the team here at Drury High School. The community events that both Drury and North Adams Public Schools have created and implemented really have helped build a strong community.

David Demary  

   7/8 Special Education, Drury High School

I enjoy working for North Adams Public Schools because of my colleagues who look out for one another, and who care about the success and safety of our students. The best part of working for North Adams Public Schools is the students, they make teaching a rewarding experience even on challenging days.

Danielle Bowe  

   Art Teacher, Brayton Elementary School

Join Our Team!

All job postings, applications and employment paperwork are handled in the district's Human Resource Department located at 10 Main Street, 2nd Floor. For a list of current employment opportunities in the North Adams Public Schools see below.

Interested applicants can complete the District Employment Application via the link below by way of:

  1. computer by downloading and saving the document, or

  2. printing the document and filling out the application by hand.

Applications can be submitted via SchoolSpring, to Human Resources at our Central Office at 10 Main Street, 2nd Floor, North Adams, MA 01247, or via email at hr@napsk12.org (if you experience trouble with this link, please copy and paste the email address).

For questions or assistance with applying for a position, please contact Human Resources at (413) 776-1458.

North Adams Public Schools Employment Opportunities


Classroom Teachers:

Special Education Teacher for substantially separate classroom

Instructional Support:

Substitute Teachers-District Wide

Teacher Assistant - Brayton Elementary

Teacher Assistant-CPES

Teacher Assistant-Drury High School

Student Services:

Full Time and Substitute Van Drivers

Substitute Custodian

Adult Basic Education Program:

Grant Funded Positions:

Rethinking Discipline Special Project Team-District Wide

Athletics and Activities:

Head Football Coach-2025/2026

District Stipend Positions:

Special Education Summer Programs:

21st Century Afterschool:

21st Century Summer Program:


Summer Adult Education:

Drury Stage Postions:

Drury Stage Set Construction/Design
Drury Stage Lighting and Sound Designer
Drury Stage Art Set Designer
Drury Stage Costume Designer
Drury Stage Producer
Drury Stage Choreographer