Educator Evaluation
Evaluation Cycle Steps
Step 1: Self-Assessment
Every educator in the district completes a self-assessment of his/her strengths and areas for professional growth with reference to the relevant Evaluation Rubric, his/her most recent Evaluation Report, using common assessment data, and evaluating strengths and challenges for the student learning.
Additional guidance on the self-assessment process will be provided during faculty meetings in September. The form for your self assessment is located below.
Step 2: Goal Setting/Educator Evaluation Plan
The second step in the 5 step cycle is to develop SMART goals and educator plans. Goals are to be needs-driven, specific, and action-oriented. Educator plans should have clear benchmarks for success and provisions for professional development designed to help the educator meet their identified student learning and professional practice goals.
The Professional Practice Goal is the educator's self-reflection of their practice in response to the performance standards as described by the educator rubrics and the prior year's evaluation feedback.
The Student Learning Goal should be based on student achievement data, whether formative or summative, with specific strategies for improvement of student learning outcomes. For a Student Learning Goal the assessment date from pre and post testing can be used as evidence of goal attainment.
Step 3: Collecting Evidence
The next step in the annual cycle is collecting evidence of educator performance. This is the responsibility of both the educator and the evaluator and should be a transparent, collaborative process.
The evaluator will collect evidence thorough observation of the educator in the classroom, at meetings, or in other professional work settings in support of progress toward their SMART goals. The evaluator may also collect documents that illustrate the educator's work in the course of the observations, or during the course of other interactions/communications with the educator. The evaluator may also request records from district administration. An educator can request to view this evidence at any time and the evaluator should share with the educator all the evidence they have collected during the month prior to the educator's final evidence submission.
Although evidence collection is a collaborative endeavor between educators and evaluators, it is the responsibility of the educator to ensure that the evaluator has sufficient evidence at his/her disposal to document the appropriate performance ratings at the time of the evaluation.
Step 4: Formative Assessment
For educators on Educator Plans of one year or less in duration (Developing Educator Plans, Directed Growth Plans, and Improvement Plans), the evaluator will complete a mid-year Formative Assessment Report to provide the educator with feedback on his/her progress.
Educators on two year Self Directed Growth Plans do not participate in the mid-year Formative Assessment Process.
For the Formative Assessment, educators must submit evidence related to progress toward their SMART goals (evidence of completion of action steps, and progress against benchmarks), and are invited to submit additional evidence in support of their performance. One piece of evidence may be used to document more than one SMART goal and/or rubric element.
The evaluator will complete a Formative Assessment Report (see form below) to provide qualitative feedback to the educator on his/her progress toward his/her foals and progress towards proficiency based on the available evidence. The evaluator will indicate where evidence is sufficient, and where additional evidence is needed to demonstrate proficiency. The report should provide guidance to assist the educator in developing his/her practice.
The annual timelines for the submission of evidence for Formative and Summative Evaluations are available in the Evaluation Timeline section.
Step 5: Formative and Summative Evaluations
At the end of each school year, educators with professional teacher status will receive a formative evaluation report or a summative evaluation report from his/her evaluator. The purpose of these reports is to provide a rating to the educator on his/her performance based on the evidence collected by the evaluator and submitted by the educator. Teachers without professional teacher status will receive a summative evaluation report annually for the first three years of employment.
Educators must submit evidence related to progress toward their SMART goals (evidence of completion of action steps and progress against benchmarks), and are invited to submit additional evidence regarding their performance on the rubric elements.
Formative Evaluation Evidence Log
Rubrics for Evaluation