The K-12 math curriculum is aligned to the updated 2017 Massachusetts Math Curriculum Frameworks. There is an equal emphasis on math concepts and the math practices which students should master to be able to reason quantitatively and be college and career ready by the end of high school. Conceptual understanding (being able to explain and apply key ideas), procedural fluency (performing calculations accurately and efficiently), problem-solving skills, and writing across content areas are equally important program goals.
Instructional Resources
Our K-11 curriculum is based on the enVision Mathematics program. The enVision math system provides for both hard copy and online resources and our students have access to personalized learning structures designed to move students forward individually. This includes enhancement materials for those students who are working at advanced levels in particular topics. Beyond the traditional high school math offerings, the high school program offers Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus and AP Statistics. In grade 12 there is also a math option that reinforces college and career-ready math skills for students who have not yet mastered these topics. Pre-calculus is available for students who may need additional preparation to be ready for college-level calculus.
Students in grades K-6 participate in the ST Math. ST stands for "Spatial-Temporal" reasoning, higher-order thinking activities that develop skills and assists with students developing a sense of perseverance. ST Math is described by the company as, "...a visual instructional program that builds a deep conceptual understanding of math through rigorous learning and creative problem solving to engage, motivate and challenge K-6 students toward higher achievement."
To support mathematics instruction, there are curriculum maps for each grade level (K-11) that specify content and pacing as well as resources and assessments. Maps include targeted skills, focus questions, and anticipated student outcomes. Maps are continuously updated to reflect any changes that may occur during the school year.
Links to grade-level Frameworks and Curriculum Maps can be found below.
Click here for the Massachusetts 2017 Mathematics Curriculum Frameworks:
Common Assessments
We assess procedural fluency and mathematics comprehension three times a year in grades K to 10 using the Fastbridge universal measurement system.
In addition to the universal screener, we use unit assessments to look at grade-level data regarding skills-based performance. Drury students also take common final exams.