Hoosac River Revival
October 19 Listening Session
Hybrid: via Zoom or in person at City Hall this Thursday, 6-8 p.m.
Feasibility Study of Flood Control System
Starting in August 2023, and for the next three years, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, in coordination with a City/HRR team, will conduct a Feasibility Study of the Hoosic River. The study has two primary objectives: 1) design a new flood control system that will reduce the risk of flooding in our city and, 2) wherever possible, bring back a healthy, accessible and beautiful Hoosic River.
We need your input!
How do you picture a safe, healthy, and accessible Hoosic? What do you like about the river today? What don’t you like? Does it make you feel happy and proud when you see the Hoosic flowing through your town? The Corps needs to know the answers to these questions & many more. We are here to listen to you!
Join Our Event
Thursday, October 19, 2023
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
North Adams City Hall, 10 Main St, North Adams
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 889 4406 3585
Passcode: 593974
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,88944063585#,,,,*593974# US (Chicago)
+16469313860,,88944063585#,,,,*593974# US
Dial by your location
• +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
All are welcome. No RSVP needed. Questions? Email info@hoosicriverrevival.org
Berkshire Mobile Farmers Market
The market runs in North Adams at MCLA on Tuesday's from 11:30-2pm.
The market offers a Fairshare payment system.
See flyers for details
BCC is hosting a fall open house on Saturday, Oct. 21. See website for details.
You know it's going to be a good day when it starts with a rainbow! Thanks, Greylock Elementary School for sharing!
2023 Williams College Fall Swim Program - Learn to Swim
Come learn to swim! Program is open for brand new swimmers or new swimmers looking to learn more. Program will meet Sunday's from 1 pm to 2pm, October 22nd thru November 5th, at Williams College.
See website for details including how to sign-up:
Below is a link to the updated list of food pantries & meal sites in Berkshire County.
Please note the following additions or corrections to the prior list:
Under North County Food Pantries:
A sincere welcome to our newest food pantry!
First Congregational Church of Adams
42 Park Street
Adams 413-346-8884
3rd Wednesday of each month
5:00pm – 7:00pm
Adams COA Mobile Food Bank
12:30om – 1:30pm (these are new hours)
Under South County Food Pantries
Monterey Pantry now serves residents of Monterey, Sandisfield, and New Marlborough
The Non-Profit Center of the Berkshires is hosting a volunteer fair. See flyer for details.
nbCC Community Forum
Friday, Oct. 13
Terra Nova Church, 85 Main St.
All are welcome! See flyer for details.
BCAC's Elf Warm Clothing Program applications are now open. Completed applications are due to BCAC by October 15th! See flyers for details.
Note from BCAC~ If you do not receive fuel assistance or your child is not enrolled in Head Start, you will need to provide:
PROOF of INCOME from the past 30 days
A birth certificate for each child applying to the program.
A working phone number for when we call to schedule your shopping or pickup time. BCAC will be unable to update phone numbers DURING the warm clothing program
***BCAC CANNOT process your application without this information, so please be sure to include the above information with your application.
Questions can be directed to the team at the BCAC North County Office at (413) 663-3014.
For families interested in applying for fuel assistance please contact the North County Office or visit https://www.bcacinc.org/fuel-assistance-2/ for more information.
Parents Against Vaping is hosting a virtual conference on October 24th. See the flyer for details and the registration link.
Northern Berkshire Community Coalition is hosting a game night for students that attend Brayton Elementary School, on Tuesday October 24th, in the Welcome Center at the school. 5 pm - 7 pm.
Upcoming programming from the Family Center. See flyers for details.
The North Adams Mobile Food Bank will be distributing FREE produce and grocery items on Friday, 10/6, from 11am to noon at the Brien Center. Please note the new time!
With the new time, parking in the American Legion will be limited. There is additional parking in the Steeples City Plaza. Volunteers will be available to assist with providing directions and check-in. Thanks for your patience as they adjust their system to accommodate the time change.
The Berkshire Mobile Farmers Market is making its way to North County. See flyer for details.
Some of our Reading Specialists and Title Coordinator recently attended the 7th Annual Conference of The Reading League in Syracuse, NY. The conference allowed them to learn from the pioneers of educational research to ensure we are utilizing the most impactful and up-to-date instruction practices to support student literacy. Thank you for bringing this valuable knowledge to our district!
"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." Maya Angelou
Say No to Vaping
October 26th
Drury High School
5-5:30pm - Pizza in the cafeteria
5:30-7pm - Basketball in the gym with 18 Degrees and NAPD
5:30-7pm - Vaping Awareness Speaker for adults
3 on 3 Team Sign-Ups - Contact SRO Mirante at smirante@napsk12.org or 18 Degrees on West Main St.
Max of 4 people on each team
Need a team name
Half-court/time of games will be determined by # of teams signed up
For more information: contact SRO Mirante at smirante@napsk12.org
The City of North Adams is collaborating with the towns of Adams, Cheshire, Lanesborough, and Florida on a digital equity plan. Digital equity refers to the concept that all individuals and communities have fair and equal access to digital technologies--including internet, computers, mobile phones-- as well as the skills to use them.
The survey is open to anyone living in Berkshire County. The information provided will outline a path for closing the digital divide. Thanks for taking a few moments to complete this important survey!
Governor's Youth Advisory Council
This council will give young people from across the Commonwealth the opportunity to advise the Healey-Driscoll Administration on innovative solutions to some of the critical issues we face today such as climate, education, mental health, gun violence, housing, and more.
In order to have this council truly embody today’s youth, they are looking for balanced representation on the Council based on age, gender, ethnicity, geography, and a variety of other factors that make up the diversity of the Commonwealth. We encourage interested students to apply!
Applicants must be between the ages of 16-21 years old to be eligible for this council. Please find the application and additional information at www.mass.gov/youthcouncil.
Resources for Young Children
Thursday, Oct 5th
Free diapers, coats, & Pre-K information
Locations: Community Rooms at Brayton Hill Apartment Complex, Greylock Apartment Complex, and Mohawk Forest Apartment Complex
For more information, email familysupports@napsk12.org
NAMI Basics
A free course for parents and family caregivers of
children and adolescents with emotional or behavioral issues.
More information: https://namibc.org/support-and-education/mental-health-education/nami-basics/.
Check out this upcoming STEAM Challenge Night hosted by Flying Cloud!