Upcoming programming from the North Adams Public Library.
over 1 year ago, NAPS District
Live! Spirit Drawing with Mass MoCA Artists-in-Residence Alison Pebworth
The impact of the pandemic on mental health and how to move forward
A community conversation on understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia
Find your voice
Upcoming events hosted by nbCC.
almost 2 years ago, NAPS District
May Forum Flyer
Teen Writing Workshop Showcase Flyer
Congratulations! Colegrove Park exceeded their ST-Math school-wide percent progress goal of 70% for April! Keep up the great work!
almost 2 years ago, NAPS District
JiJi Colegrove announcement
From the kitchen to the lunchroom, cafeteria staff is essential to making sure our students eat well and learn. We're so grateful for all you do every day. Happy #SchoolLunchHeroDay!
almost 2 years ago, NAPS District
Celebrate Your School Lunch Heroes
Upcoming programming from the Family Center.
almost 2 years ago, NAPS District
Art Flyer
Virtual Parent Workshops
Me, You, We Playgroups
Virtual Storytime
The Big Umbrella
The Big Umbrella (Spanish)
Parent and Child Yoga
PJ Storytime
Bake Pizza with Shire Cottage Pizza
Dad and Me Train Ride
North Adams Mobile Food Bank Friday, May 5th from 10-11 Brien Center parking lot The mobile food bank distribution is open to all and there are no eligibility requirements to participate.
almost 2 years ago, NAPS District
NA Mobile Food Bank Flyer
UMASS Extension 4-H Career Exploration Series Registration link: https://bit.ly/CES5-10-23 See flyer for details.
almost 2 years ago, NAPS District
4-H Career Exloration
Williams College Museum of Art Summer Opportunity Free Fellowship! A free summer fellowship for students ages 10-15 at WCMA as part of their summer program series called Construct Your Own Meaning. The group will work together to make a public tour of our Remixing the Hall exhibition featuring work from our permanent collection. They'll get behind-the-scenes access to all parts of the museum, and hopefully, they'll continue to be involved in the museum after the summer session is over. Each participant will receive an art kit in exchange for their participation. Please feel free to share! There are seven spots available and people can apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJAzmrJN8qumKywihyJeMTUBMusGIwv_fp9D4D-0EMfNw7ew/viewform More about Remixing the Hall: https://artmuseum.williams.edu/remixing-the-hall/
almost 2 years ago, NAPS District
Sharing a few upcoming opportunities for young people. MassHIre Youth Summer Works programs. Paid internships for youth 14-25. New Application Link: https://youthworksdata.org/aboutyouthworks.asp?key=key1s&yw=MassHireBerkshire. Questions regarding the program or the application process can be directed to Kelly Groves-Skroki at kskrocki@MassHireBerkshireCC.com or (413) 499-2220 x145. YouthWorks is a state-funded youth employment program that helps teens and young adults get the skills and experience needed to find and keep jobs. Participants take part in paid short-term work placements during the summer and/or school year at public, private, and nonprofit worksites. Participants also receive training in soft skills to practice professional behaviors and learn how to relate to supervisors and co-workers at their worksites. And they learn how to take the next steps in their education and career pathways. All YouthWorks programs use the Signal Success curriculum to help young people learn and practice the skills that matter at work, school, and in life. Visit the Commonwealth Corporation website to read more about the statewide YouthWorks program. 1Berkshire/Berkshire Innovation Center BETA program July 10-August 11th (cohort is limited to 20 participants). https://www.berkshireinnovationcenter.com/beta The 2023 B[E]TA program is for: -Students who will be in 11th or 12th Grade in September 2023 or recently graduated -Students interested in STEM -Students that can commit to a five-week, half-day summer program that offers a stipend for active participation. North Adams Youth Leadership Camp (form attached) Location: Windsor Lake, North Adams MA Drop Off: 7:30AM – 8:00AM - Pick Up: 12:00PM – 12:30PM Camp is limited to 48 campers per week. These spots will fill up as this registration form and fee are submitted. There will be no holds. Camp consists of team building exercises, specific first responder training, daily challenges, competitive games, and we will celebrate the week with a day at Ramblewild! Water and Snacks will be provided during camp hours. To go lunch will be given prior to dismissal. Camp Fee: $50.00 (cash) per participant for the week (attach money with this form)-If cost is a barrier of your child participating is the fee please reach out to Stephanie Mirante at Smirante@northadams-ma.gov (payment will not exclude any child from camp)
almost 2 years ago, NAPS District
Support our local Veterans Services by purchasing a reusable shopping bag at Stop and Shop! For all of May 2023, North Adams Veteran Services will receive $1 from every $2.50 Community Bag sold at the North Adams Stop & Shop (876 State Road). Stop & Shop 876 State Road, North Adams MA
almost 2 years ago, NAPS District
Upcoming events from the Brien Center supporting Mental Health Awareness month in May and June called "Community Conversations: The Effects of the Pandemic on Mental Health and How to Manage Moving Forward". All of the events are open to the public and begin around 5:30 PM. Berkshire Athenaeum in Pittsfield on May 10; Lenox Library on May 24; North Adams Library on May 31; Berkshire South Regional Community Center on June 7. See flyers for more details.
almost 2 years ago, Superintendent's Office
Brien Center 1
Brien Center 2
Mr. Labbance and Ms. Green provided a lively rendition of "Green Eggs and Ham!" Check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRD_hW4ndl8 For more Brayton Reads videos, visit: https://www.youtube.com/@braytonreads
almost 2 years ago, NAPS District
The North Adams Public Library has announced its summer reading program! Check out the flyer for details.
almost 2 years ago, NAPS District
NAPL Flyer
Check out this video of our Brayton Elementary School Dean of Students, Mr. Barbarottan reading "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QCbu01ed3o For more Brayton Reads videos visit: https://www.youtube.com/@braytonreads
almost 2 years ago, NAPS District
Berkshire Family YMCA Family Programming/Upcoming Events: BFYMCA Healthy Kids Day happening on Saturday, 4/29. The event is free & open to all! Tumble Tots Drop in Playgroup for toddlers and their adults. See flyer for details.
almost 2 years ago, Superintendent's Office
Healthy Kids
Tumble Tots
Brayton Elementary students and teachers are enjoying their MoMU from Berkshire Museum! The mobile museum unit (MoMU) brings objects from the museum to our school for a month. This exhibit about geology shows off some shiny rocks, sparkly geodes and natural minerals! Principal Dudziak said, "Our students are so excited to have this amazing resource at our school!" We're looking forward to bringing more MoMUs to our school this year!
almost 2 years ago, NAPS District
Brayton momu 1
Brayton Momu 2
Brayton momu 3
Youth Climate Council: The Healey-Driscoll Administration recently announced the creation of a Youth Climate Council that will advise the Governor and the Office of Climate Innovation and Resilience on climate policy and actions. Interested high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors can now apply to be part of the council, which will meet regularly with Climate Chief Melissa Hoffer. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 19. More about the program: https://www.mass.gov/news/governor-healey-climate-chief-hoffer-announce-creation-of-youth-climate-council?utm_source=Commissioner%27s+Weekly+Update&utm_campaign=2e3d06ae0f-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2023_04_24_10_44&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-2e3d06ae0f-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D To apply: https://www.mass.gov/forms/apply-for-the-youth-climate-council?utm_source=Commissioner%27s+Weekly+Update&utm_campaign=2e3d06ae0f-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2023_04_24_10_44&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-2e3d06ae0f-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D
almost 2 years ago, NAPS District
The North Adams Public Schools Greenhouse Program is happy to announce their Spring Open House! Stop by to see all they have to offer!
almost 2 years ago, Superintendent's Office
Greenhouse - Spring openhouse
The BBEC’s Black Arts Council is thrilled to announce the launch of its Black Arts Council Grant, a funding opportunity designed to support Black youth pursuing their passion for the arts. The Black ArtsCouncil Grant program will award funds to finance the purchase of art supplies and equipment for youth ages 7 - 22 years old. All forms of art are welcome and celebrated including but not limited to music, visual arts, photography, textiles, theatre/performing arts, graphic design, mixed media, and more. Applications are open to Black youth, and close on Monday, May 15, 2023, at 11:59 PM EST. The grant application is live on Submittable (an online submissions platform that saves your work as you go). Younger applicants (ages 7-14) may complete the application in person with a parent/guardian at the BBEC office on select Sundays between the hours of 10 am - 12 pm. Advanced scheduling is required for in-person applications.
almost 2 years ago, NAPS District
BBEC Flyer
BBEC Flyer
BBEC Letter
BACG Flyer
Girl Scouts of Central and Western Massachusetts (GSCWM) will hold an Intro To Outdoor Skills event for girls enterening Kindergarten or First Grade this fall. The event will take place on Wednesday, May 10th, 5:30 pm at the North Adams Public Library. You must register/RSVP by May 4th. https://bit.ly/osnadams
almost 2 years ago, Superintendent's Office
GS Event
GS Event Spanish